Nutrition - Yummy, it's time to eat!

We know that good nutrition contributes to effective learning in children. Numerous studies have demonstrated that eating breakfast regularly will boost your child's ability to learn, to think quickly, to pay attention and even to get along with others. Our menus are regularly rotated to ensure variety for the children. 

Children with Special Diets

If a student has an allergy or dietary restrictions, please inform the center immediately. Parents/guardians must notify the administration in writing or thru brightwheel, and this is kept in the child’s file. This information is also posted in Future Scholars’ classroom for all to be aware of.

Depending on the method used in allergy emergency situations, parents may be asked to complete a Food Allergy Information form  

Our child nutrition program includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, and supper. Every meal and snack are nutritionally balanced and meets the USDA's nutrition standards and requirements regarding food components and portion size by CACFP (The Child and Adult Care Food Program).

If Future Scholars cannot provide the food needed for a special diet, meals or portions may be provided by the parents. The parent and the administration must agree upon this. Perishable food will be refrigerated upon arrival. Special foods provided by parents must be clearly labeled with the child's name, date, and identity of the food and will not be shared with other children. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure the student has food at the school every day.

Drinking water is always freely available to all children at Future Scholars. 1% milk and whole will be provided to the students for breakfast and lunch. Water will be served with a snack and meals. Alternative fluids can be substituted with documentation form the pediatrician for lactose intolerance.


Breakfast is served from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.

Lunch is served from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Snack is served from 2:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Supper is served from 5 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.