About Us

Our Goals

Future Scholars goals provide us a path to our desired outcomes for our students. These goals provide direction and motivation for the quality of care and education we provide.

• To provide a wide variety of developmentally appropriate practices that children learn and develop from and enjoy.
• To provide a flexible, calm, and nurturing environment where affection is given
freely and from the heart.
• Independence is encouraged, and expectations are clear for all students.
• To meet the physical, emotional, and social needs of our students.
• To provide an atmosphere of respect for self and one another.
• To provide opportunities for cooperative play.
• To create a happy, warm, and exciting environment that is inviting, comfortable, and manageable for the children.
• To support a caring staff who show genuine respect, love, and encouragement for the children.
• To offer children individual guidance based on careful observation of each child’s needs and keeping with parent/guardian direction.
• To ensure the safety and welfare of all children.

Our Staff

Our staff can demonstrate the skill and competence necessary to contribute to each child's physical, intellectual, personal, emotional, and social development. Factors contributing to the attainment of this standard include:

• Emotional maturity when working with children
• Cooperation with the purposes and services of the program
• Respect for children and adults
• Flexibility, understanding, and patience
• Physical and mental health that do not interfere with childcare responsibilities
• Good personal hygiene
• Frequent interaction with children
• Listening skills, availability, and responsiveness to children
• Sensitivity to children's socioeconomic, cultural, ethnic, religious backgrounds, and individual needs and capabilities
• Use of positive discipline and guidance techniques; and
• The ability to provide an environment where children can feel comfortable, relaxed, happy, and are involved in play, recreation, and other activities.

Our Values

Our values consist of the following but are not limited to:

Quality – We believe every child deserves excellence in early learning programs and services to make a difference in their lives and our community.

Inclusion – All students are included in our learning environment. We welcome all with open arms and love in our hearts.

Respect – Respect is essential in building relationships with our students and families that last a lifetime. Respect is a key component of our work as it helps to optimize the talents and diversity we bring into the school as partners in the child’s growth and development.

Accountability – We pride ourselves on providing open communication with all our business partners. This allows us to be transparent, open, and honest with one another and, in turn, provides the best environment for our students at home and at school.

Teamwork – The combined action of the educators and the families working together provides an effective and efficient working relationship. By acting together as a team, we are working toward the best interests of our common cause, which is for our little ones.!